9 recettes de cocktails pour donner des airs de fête et de vacances à vos apéros


Chaque saison la mode se réinvente, et les cocktails n’y échappent pas. Légers, pétillants ou aux saveurs exotiques, les cocktails enfilent des robes aux multiples couleurs. Voici quelques recettes qui donnent des airs de fête et de vacances à vos apéros.

Les légers

L’une des tendances apéritives de cet été est le cocktail léger, également appelé « low ABV » (ndlr : low alcohol by volume). Un peu de légèreté, ça fait toujours du bien et notre foie nous remerciera le lendemain de la veille ! Cependant, détrompez-vous, on pourrait croire que le secret de ce cocktail est la quantité faible d’alcool dans la recette, mais il n’en est rien. Les alcools utilisés sont uniquement des produits à faible degré d’alcool comme les Vermouths, les Amari et les liqueurs.

Le Negroni

1.0SO MUCH YES!! 💯
Incredible work @michaelnicolian and @continentaldeli, absolutely loving the new #Sydney CBD digs! Killing it! #Repost @jammacrae #houseofnegroni #livewithspirit
#ContinentalDeli #Negroni #HappyPlace #Cocktailshouseofnegronihttps://www.instagram.com/houseofnegroni58828992572298466891377006496_5882899257Instagramhttps://www.instagram.comrich658

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Ce cocktail à base de gin a été inventé à Florence (Italie) en 1919. Le comte Camillo Negroni avait pour coutume de se rendre au café « Casoni » de la ville, lieu de prédilection de l’aristocratie à l’époque, afin de consommer un Americano. Le comte Negroni était lassé de boire toujours les mêmes cocktails et appréciait en goûter de nouveaux.

Un jour, le Comte a demandé au barman de renforcer son cocktail favori en remplaçant l’eau gazeuse par du gin qu’il avait découvert durant ses voyages à Londres. Au « Casoni » est né le Negroni, du nom de son auteur.

Ingrédients :

  • 3 cl de gin Plymouth
  • 3 cl de Campari
  • 3 cl de vermouth rouge
  • 1 orange
  • Des glaçons

Préparation :

  • Versez les trois ingrédients liquides directement dans le verre préalablement rempli de glaçons
  • Pour le goût et la décoration, ajoutez des zestes d’orange
  • Il est préférable d’utiliser un verre de type « lowball glass » (petit verre) et « old fashioned » (comme sur la photo ci-dessus) pour l’esthétique

Le Sea Breeze

1.0AotC-25. The Sea Breeze.

I know this is typically a summer cocktail, but I have been searching for something to serve at Thanksgiving, and this cranberry drink seems to fit the bill. Easy to make a large amount of it for a punch if you have lots of guests.

2oz(2 cups) cranberry juice
2oz (2 cups) grapefruit juice
2oz (2 cups) vodka
Lime and sugar for the rim
Cranberry for garnish.

Run the lime around the rim of a glass and invert it into a shallow plate with sugar to cover the rim. Fill with ice. In a shaker, place the vodka and juice and shake for 20 seconds. Strain into the glass with ice and garnish with the cranberries. If making a punch, place the larger quantities into a punch bowl or pitcher with a block of ice (larger chunks of ice will cool without making the punch watery). However, shaking will produce a drink with a beautiful foamy surface. Increase cranberry juice ratio if you like.
The Sea Breeze was born in the 1920’s, just as prohibition was ending. It used gin instead of vodka, and grenadine instead of the juice. By 1950 the cranberry cooperative evolved into Ocean Spray, and cranberry juice began to be marketed to bars as well as grocery stores. The Breeze series of drinks was born – the Harpoon (vodka, cranberry, and lime) the Cape Codder (vodka and cranberry), and their descendants the Greyhound (no cranberry – plain rim), the Salty Dog (no cranberry – salted rim) the Bay Breeze (pineapple instead of grapefruit), and the Sea Breeze. They became somewhat popular in the 1960’s, but really took off in the 1970’s.
#perfectfallcocktail #perfectthanksgivingcocktail #seabreezecocktailarchitecture_of_the_cocktailhttps://www.instagram.com/architecture_of_the_cocktail270089801872209829792065141208_27008980187Instagramhttps://www.instagram.comrich658

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AotC-25. The Sea Breeze. I know this is typically a summer cocktail, but I have been searching for something to serve at Thanksgiving, and this cranberry drink seems to fit the bill. Easy to make a large amount of it for a punch if you have lots of guests. 2oz(2 cups) cranberry juice 2oz (2 cups) grapefruit juice 2oz (2 cups) vodka Lime and sugar for the rim Cranberry for garnish. Run the lime around the rim of a glass and invert it into a shallow plate with sugar to cover the rim. Fill with ice. In a shaker, place the vodka and juice and shake for 20 seconds. Strain into the glass with ice and garnish with the cranberries. If making a punch, place the larger quantities into a punch bowl or pitcher with a block of ice (larger chunks of ice will cool without making the punch watery). However, shaking will produce a drink with a beautiful foamy surface. Increase cranberry juice ratio if you like. . The Sea Breeze was born in the 1920’s, just as prohibition was ending. It used gin instead of vodka, and grenadine instead of the juice. By 1950 the cranberry cooperative evolved into Ocean Spray, and cranberry juice began to be marketed to bars as well as grocery stores. The Breeze series of drinks was born – the Harpoon (vodka, cranberry, and lime) the Cape Codder (vodka and cranberry), and their descendants the Greyhound (no cranberry – plain rim), the Salty Dog (no cranberry – salted rim) the Bay Breeze (pineapple instead of grapefruit), and the Sea Breeze. They became somewhat popular in the 1960’s, but really took off in the 1970’s. . #perfectfallcocktail #perfectthanksgivingcocktail #seabreezecocktail

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Ingrédients :

  • 45 ml de vodka
  • 120 ml de jus de pamplemousse
  • 45 cl de jus de canneberge
  • 1 tranche de citron vert
  • 1 cerise au marasquin

Préparation :

  • Versez la vodka dans un verre highball avec des glaçons
  • Ajoutez ensuite le jus de pamplemousse et puis le jus de canneberge
  • Décorez en plaçant une tranche de lime et une cerise au marasquin sur le bord du verre
  • Servez et dégustez

Des cocktails qui bullent

Le cocktail à base pétillant est un intemporel qui reste en vogue cet été. Agrémenté de champagne, du kombucha ou d’eau gazeuse, les cocktails à bulles ont la côte.

L’intemporel Spritz

1.0LUNCH BREAK 🍹🧊 #spritz #aperolspritz #cocktail #treatyoself #workouttonight #healthylifestyle #cheatdayaurelie_scourhttps://www.instagram.com/aurelie_scour85020722312751908766438357_8502072Instagramhttps://www.instagram.comrich658

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Ingrédients :

  • 2 cl de Campari ou d’Apérol
  • 3 cl de prosecco
  • 1 trait de tonic

Préparation :

  • Remplissez les 3/4 d’un verre à vin avec des glaçons
  • Versez le prosecco
  • Ajoutez le Campari ou Apérol, ainsi qu’un trait de tonic
  • Mélangez le tout jusqu’à l’obtention d’un cocktail homogène
  • Ajoutez une rondelle d’orange

L’historique Gin Fizz

1.0Long weekend Ginspo 🍸

It doesn’t take much to brighten up a Gin and Tonic as long as you find the best quality craft gin! .

A simple garnish of cucumber ribbons.

To make perfect ribbons and it can take a little practice so be prepared to munch on the leftovers.

Use English cucumbers. These are large in size and perfect for the long slices, go for the thickest one you can find. That way you get more slices, for more gin 🙌🏻

After washing the cucumber, use a vegetable peeler to slice it. Don’t peel the skin, just remove any slices that are too thin or short to use. When you get to the area with seeds, move onto the opposite side and repeat this.

After adding your best craft Gin and quality tonic wrap the ribbons around the glass, top with ice and if you are feeling posh a floral garnish.theginbirdshttps://www.instagram.com/theginbirds77639330222147525802644060313_7763933022Instagramhttps://www.instagram.comrich658

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Long weekend Ginspo 🍸 . It doesn’t take much to brighten up a Gin and Tonic as long as you find the best quality craft gin! . A simple garnish of cucumber ribbons. . To make perfect ribbons and it can take a little practice so be prepared to munch on the leftovers. . Use English cucumbers. These are large in size and perfect for the long slices, go for the thickest one you can find. That way you get more slices, for more gin 🙌🏻 . After washing the cucumber, use a vegetable peeler to slice it. Don’t peel the skin, just remove any slices that are too thin or short to use. When you get to the area with seeds, move onto the opposite side and repeat this. . After adding your best craft Gin and quality tonic wrap the ribbons around the glass, top with ice and if you are feeling posh a floral garnish.

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Inventé par les officiers de la marine britannique afin de lutter contre les maladies lors de leurs voyages, le jus de citron présent dans le cocktail, riche en vitamine C, était un remède efficace contre le scorbut ou contre la malaria. L’alcool permettait de conserver cette vitamine dans le corps.

Ingrédients :

  • 4 cl de Gin
  • 8 cl d’eau gazeuse
  • 3 cl de jus de citron
  • 1 cl de sirop de sucre de canne

Préparation :

  • Versez le gin, le jus de citron et le sirop de sucre dans un shaker à moitié rempli de glaçons
  • Shakez quelques secondes et versez dans un long drink en retenant la glace avec une passoire
  • Ajoutez l’eau gazeuse très fraîche
  • Mélangez doucement


1.0Você conhece a origem do Bellini, um dos drinks mais amados do mundo?

Ele nasceu em Veneza, uma das cidades mais românticas da Itália e de lá conquistou o mundo.

Este drink rosa-pêssego consiste em purê de pêssego branco coberto com Prosecco borbulhante.
Na Itália, é comum marinar os pêssegos no vinho antes de misturá-los no copo.
O Bellini se originou no Harry’s Bar em Veneza, localizado no Calle Vallaresso 1323, a uns sete minutos a pé da Piazza San Marco, e continua em operação até hoje. Inclusive, o Harrys é considerado um marco histórico da cidade das gôndolas e dos canais. Frequentado por Ernest Hemingway e Truman Capote, e seu homônimo é o pintor renascentista Giovanni Bellini, cujas paletas eram cheias do tom rosado da bebida.
Você pode fazer o purê de seus próprios pêssegos brancos em casa quando estão na estação e congelados quando não estão – Os copos de flauta de cristal são indicados para o perfeito Bellini.
#italia #veneza #bellini #drinks #pessego #viajandocomarte #travel #traveling #travelgram #instatravel #summer #summertravel #bloggervibes #traveller #travelblog #travelpic #mood #travelholic #travelphotography #traveldiary #traveldiaries #wanderlust #happy #travelgirl #photographyviajandocomartehttps://www.instagram.com/viajandocomarte3345785302309835140227957756_334578530Instagramhttps://www.instagram.comrich658

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Você conhece a origem do Bellini, um dos drinks mais amados do mundo? Ele nasceu em Veneza, uma das cidades mais românticas da Itália e de lá conquistou o mundo. Este drink rosa-pêssego consiste em purê de pêssego branco coberto com Prosecco borbulhante. Na Itália, é comum marinar os pêssegos no vinho antes de misturá-los no copo. O Bellini se originou no Harry's Bar em Veneza, localizado no Calle Vallaresso 1323, a uns sete minutos a pé da Piazza San Marco, e continua em operação até hoje. Inclusive, o Harrys é considerado um marco histórico da cidade das gôndolas e dos canais. Frequentado por Ernest Hemingway e Truman Capote, e seu homônimo é o pintor renascentista Giovanni Bellini, cujas paletas eram cheias do tom rosado da bebida. Você pode fazer o purê de seus próprios pêssegos brancos em casa quando estão na estação e congelados quando não estão – Os copos de flauta de cristal são indicados para o perfeito Bellini. . . . . #italia #veneza #bellini #drinks #pessego #viajandocomarte #travel #traveling #travelgram #instatravel #summer #summertravel #bloggervibes #traveller #travelblog #travelpic #mood #travelholic #travelphotography #traveldiary #traveldiaries #wanderlust #happy #travelgirl #photography

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Ingrédients :

  • 4 cl de purée de pêche
  • Du sirop de canne
  • 6 cl de champagne (ou du prosecco)

Préparation :

  • Versez la purée de pêche et le sirop de sucre de canne dans une flûte
  • Allongez avec le champagne ou le prosecco
  • Remuez délicatement


1.0Not by Aperol alone…🍹

Inspired by the #nationalcocktailday and @pure_wm competition in order to raise funds for the @bumblebeeconservationtrust

What do we think about first when we hear ”Aperitivo”? Aperol Spritz, right.

But the reality is that there’re hundreds of amazing alternatives that are just standing in a shadow of Aperol’s fame.

”Hugo” is probably the most known one in aperitif lovers’ circles.

A simple blend of elderflower cordial/liquor, Prosecco, fresh mint and lime – this drink will kick off your aperitivo hour in style.

Personally, I prefer using @stgermaindrinks or @fiorenteliqueur elderflower liquors instead of simple elderflower syrup/cordial as it gives complexity and aromatic flowery notes to your drink while making it perfectly refreshing and elegant.

What will you need:

– 50ml – Elderflower liqueur
– 1 dash of soda water
– 5ml – lime juice
– 120ml – Prosecco
– Fresh mint and lime for garnish

To do kit:

1. Scoop a handful of ice into a large wine glass along with some torn mint leaves.
N.B! Before adding mint leaves swat them twice with your hands in order to extract the oils and aroma from it.

2. Add 5ml of freshly squeezed lime juice to your mint leaves among a wedge of lime.

3. Give a quick stir, top with Prosecco and garnish with a wheel of lime.

N.B! Pep up with a generous measure of gin or simply leave yours with elderflower cordial and icy cold prosecco if you’d prefer.



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Not by Aperol alone…🍹 ⠀ Inspired by the #nationalcocktailday and @pure_wm competition in order to raise funds for the @bumblebeeconservationtrust ⠀ What do we think about first when we hear ”Aperitivo”? Aperol Spritz, right. ⠀ But the reality is that there’re hundreds of amazing alternatives that are just standing in a shadow of Aperol’s fame. ⠀ ”Hugo” is probably the most known one in aperitif lovers' circles. ⠀ A simple blend of elderflower cordial/liquor, Prosecco, fresh mint and lime – this drink will kick off your aperitivo hour in style. ⠀ Personally, I prefer using @stgermaindrinks or @fiorenteliqueur elderflower liquors instead of simple elderflower syrup/cordial as it gives complexity and aromatic flowery notes to your drink while making it perfectly refreshing and elegant. ⠀ What will you need: ⠀ – 50ml – Elderflower liqueur – 1 dash of soda water – 5ml – lime juice – 120ml – Prosecco – Fresh mint and lime for garnish ⠀ To do kit: ⠀ 1. Scoop a handful of ice into a large wine glass along with some torn mint leaves. N.B! Before adding mint leaves swat them twice with your hands in order to extract the oils and aroma from it. ⠀ 2. Add 5ml of freshly squeezed lime juice to your mint leaves among a wedge of lime. ⠀ 3. Give a quick stir, top with Prosecco and garnish with a wheel of lime. ⠀ N.B! Pep up with a generous measure of gin or simply leave yours with elderflower cordial and icy cold prosecco if you’d prefer. ⠀ Voila! ⠀ #cocktails#hugococktail#cocktailsofinstagram#summercocktails#aperitif#hugospritz#proseccotime#cocktailhour#cocktailrecipes#cocktailsathome#elderflowercordial#stgermaindrinks#stgermain#mixologyguide#alcoholicdrinks#homebartender#homebar#quarantini#craftedmixology#cocktails🍸

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Ingrédients :

  • 15 cl de prosecco
  • 10 cl d’eau pétillante
  • 3 cl de liqueur de fleur de sureau
  • 1 rondelle de citron
  • Des feuilles de menthe
  • Des glaçons

Préparation :

  • Versez, dans un grand verre ballon, la liqueur de fleur de sureau, l’eau gazeuse et le prosecco
  • Ajoutez les feuilles de menthe fraîche et la rondelle citron
  • Ajoutez les glaçons
  • Remuez délicatement avec une cuillère pendant 8 à 10 sec

Les saveurs exotiques made in Africa

L’Afrique de l’Ouest regorge de surprises dont des saveurs exotiques divines : gingembre, citronnelle, baies d’acaï ou le curcuma permettent la réalisation de cocktails puissant en goût et surprenant à la dégustation.

Cocktail rhum coco, gingembre, citronnelle et coriandre


Ingrédients :

  • 5 cl de rhum blanc
  • 5 cl d’eau de coco
  • 2 cl de sirop de coco
  • 1,5 cl de jus de citron
  • 2 g de coriandre
  • 5 g de gingembre
  • 2 feuilles de citronnelle

Préparation :

  • Versez le jus de citron dans le fond du shaker
  • Ajoutez les feuilles de citronnelle, le sirop de coco puis le rhum blanc
  • Remplissez les 3/4 du shaker de glaçons
  • Shakez énergiquement pendant 15 secondes et filtrez avec une petite passoire. Astuce : n’hésitez pas à renouveler cette opération afin que votre cocktail soit le plus clair possible
  • Versez le mélange dans un verre qui contient déjà des glaçons et ajoutez de l’eau de coco
  • Dégustez

Cocktail au gin, gingembre et concombre


Ingrédients :

  • 1/4 de concombre coupé en lamelles
  • 5 cl de gin
  • 10 cl de ginger beer
  • 5 cl d’eau gazeuse
  • 1 brin de menthe poivrée
  • Des glacons

Préparation :

  • Répartez les lamelles de concombre dans les verres
  • Ajoutez le gin et les glaçons
  • Remplissez les verres avec la ginger beer et l’eau
  • Ajoutez la menthe
  • Servir aussitôt.

Et pour le dessert, pourquoi ne pas réinventer votre rosé préféré en un sorbet ?

1.0Wine or ice cream? 🍷🍦
A near 90 degree day this weekend 🥵 reminded me I need to make this RED WINE SORBET capital “S” S.TA.T.
Here’s how:
1 1/2 cups red blend wine
3 cups frozen mixed berries
2 1/2 tablespoons honey

Pour wine into a clean ice cube tray, and freeze overnight. Pop semi-frozen wine ice cubes into the bowl of a food processor along with remaining ingredients.
Blend until mixture is smooth, scraping down sides of the bowl as you go. Eat as is, or freeze an additional hour for firmer texture. Store in freezer-friendly container with lid for up to 2 weeks in freezer. #sinfulnutrition
Who would you share this with?! (Yourself is a valid answer 😚)
#winesorbet #wineicecream #redwinelovers #summerdesserts #homemadesorbet #frozendrink #frozendrinks #frozencocktails #frozencocktail
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Wine or ice cream? 🍷🍦 .. A near 90 degree day this weekend 🥵 reminded me I need to make this RED WINE SORBET capital “S” S.TA.T. .. Here’s how: 1 1/2 cups red blend wine 3 cups frozen mixed berries 2 1/2 tablespoons honey Pour wine into a clean ice cube tray, and freeze overnight. Pop semi-frozen wine ice cubes into the bowl of a food processor along with remaining ingredients. Blend until mixture is smooth, scraping down sides of the bowl as you go. Eat as is, or freeze an additional hour for firmer texture. Store in freezer-friendly container with lid for up to 2 weeks in freezer. #sinfulnutrition .. Who would you share this with?! (Yourself is a valid answer 😚) .. #winesorbet #wineicecream #redwinelovers #summerdesserts #homemadesorbet #frozendrink #frozendrinks #frozencocktails #frozencocktail #videorecipe #feedfeed #recipevideos #quickandeasy #simplerecipes #recipevideo #foodvideography #quickrecipe #cookingvideos #quickandeasymeals #healthyfoodvideos #mealpreppin #healthyrecipeshare #easyhealthymeals #healthyeatingideas #simplecook #quickandhealthy #quickrecipes #videofood #healthyoption

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Ingrédients :

  • 1 bouteille de rosé sec
  • 60 cl d’eau
  • 200 g de sucre

Préparation :

  • Faites chauffer l’eau avec le sucre
  • Laissez refroidir
  • Ajoutez le vin rosé et passez-le dans la sorbetière

Astuce : Si vous n’avez pas de sorbetière, mettez le mélange au congélateur et écraser à la fourchette tous les quarts d’heure.


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