Des plongeurs nagent avec une femelle requin blanc au large d’Hawaï (photos + vidéo)

Diver Ocean Ramsey (@oceanramsey) swims next to a female great white shark off the coast of Oahu, Hawaii on January 15, 2019. - Great white sharks are extremely rare in Hawaii and this individual may be one of the largest recorded, it shows similar markings to “Deep Blue” a shark Ocean Ramsey studied in Isla Guadalupe, Mexico where she has done most of her work with white sharks. Shark populations around Hawaii are declining and there are no laws to protect sharks from being killed for their fins. The @OneOceanDiving research team study shark behavior and teach people how to avoid adverse interactions. Their research and work aims to help reduce shark related fatalities and educate others on the importance of sharks. (Photo by @oceanramsey / http://OneOceanDiving.Com / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT @OceanRamsey /http://OneOceanDiving.Com "" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS --- NO ARCHIVE --- © AFP

Un gigantesque requin blanc, parmi les plus grands jamais signalés, a été aperçu au large des côtes d’Hawaï par une équipe de plongeurs, qui se sont payés le luxe de nager aux côtés de ce redoutable prédateur.

La femelle de quelque six mètres de long (qui porte des marques similaires à « Deep Blue », l’un des plus grands requins blancs recensés) est apparue sans prévenir mardi, pour se joindre à d’autres squales en train de se repaître d’une carcasse de cachalot flottant près de l’île d’Oahu.

1.0GREAT WHITE SHARK #HAWAII #ONEOCEANDIVING @oneoceandiving @oneoceanresearch @juansharks @mermaid_kayleigh @camgrantphotography #instanow #instagram #Helpsavesharks #savesharks #oahu #hawaii #savetheocean Getting back in the water #OMG # ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍 @xcelwetsuits @xcelhaleiwaoceanramsey

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« On a vu quelques (requins tigres) et elle est arrivée, et tous les autres requins se sont éparpillés. C’est alors qu’elle a commencé à se frotter contre le bateau », a raconté Ocean Ramsey, l’une des plongeuses, au journal Honolulu Star Adviser. « C’était juste un beau gros et gentil colosse qui voulait utiliser notre bateau pour se gratter », explique Mme Ramsey, plongeuse professionnelle et spécialiste des requins, pour la protection desquels elle milite.

Des plongeurs nagent avec une femelle requin blanc au large d'Hawaï (photos + vidéo)

Elle a nagé avec la femelle « une bonne partie de la journée » et pris des clichés saisissants de la rencontre.

Selon la plongeuse, le requin, qui doit être âgé d’au moins 50 ans et peser environ 2,5 tonnes, était « étonnamment large » et peut-être en gestation.

1.0Photo by @Juansharks
Urgent! Call to action #HelpSaveSharks Help Ban the Sale and Trade of Fins in Florida!!! Sign the petition in the link in @jim_abernethy IG Bio.
Currently Florida is the capitol of #sharkfishing for the united states and there are terrible people there that catch and kill them just for sport. Even the ones that are released more often than not do not survive, check out @drneilhammer #DrNeilHammershalg for more information on the scientific studies proving this. Please help save sharks off Florida by signing the link and sharing this message. The #StateOfGeorgia is currently the largest importer and exporter of #sharkfins in the united states.
About this Photo: #PUREJOY it felt surreal to dance with dolphins twirling around in the deep open ocean #HappyPlace with this big beautiful white shark #HelpSaveSharks #BestLifeMoments #Grateful #humble #focused #positive #conservation #SaveTheOcean #Happy #amazing #beautiful #incredible #sharks #whitesharkhawaii #greatwhitesharkhawaii #sharksInHawaii #Savesharks #ocean #Oceanramsey #JuanSharks Wetsuit biomimicry design conservation benefit collaboration @xcelwetsuits fins @cressi1946 @oneoceanconservation @oneoceandiving Please sign and support the #nofinfl link in Jim’s bio. ❤️🦈❤️ PS-If you don’t like sharks being touched you should really sign this because finning actually kills sharks, petting does not 😉😘😉😘❤️😊😊😊😊😊😊oceanramsey

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Photo by @Juansharks Urgent! Call to action #HelpSaveSharks Help Ban the Sale and Trade of Fins in Florida!!! Sign the petition in the link in @jim_abernethy IG Bio. Currently Florida is the capitol of #sharkfishing for the united states and there are terrible people there that catch and kill them just for sport. Even the ones that are released more often than not do not survive, check out @drneilhammer #DrNeilHammershalg for more information on the scientific studies proving this. Please help save sharks off Florida by signing the link and sharing this message. The #StateOfGeorgia is currently the largest importer and exporter of #sharkfins in the united states. About this Photo: #PUREJOY it felt surreal to dance with dolphins twirling around in the deep open ocean #HappyPlace with this big beautiful white shark #HelpSaveSharks #BestLifeMoments #Grateful #humble #focused #positive #conservation #SaveTheOcean #Happy #amazing #beautiful #incredible #sharks #whitesharkhawaii #greatwhitesharkhawaii #sharksInHawaii #Savesharks #ocean #Oceanramsey #JuanSharks Wetsuit biomimicry design conservation benefit collaboration @xcelwetsuits fins @cressi1946 @oneoceanconservation @oneoceandiving Please sign and support the #nofinfl link in Jim’s bio. ❤️🦈❤️ PS-If you don’t like sharks being touched you should really sign this because finning actually kills sharks, petting does not 😉😘😉😘❤️😊😊😊😊😊😊

A post shared by Ocean Ramsey #OceanRamsey (@oceanramsey) on

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Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment en cliquant sur « Paramètres des cookies » en bas du site. WHITE SHARK #HAWAII #ONEOCEANDIVING @oneoceandiving @oneoceanresearch @juansharks @mermaid_kayleigh @camgrantphotography #instanow #instagram #Helpsavesharks #savesharks #oahu #hawaii #savetheocean Getting back in the water #OMG # ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍 @xcelwetsuits @xcelhaleiwaoceanramsey

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Il est assez rare de rencontrer des grands requins blancs (Carcharodon carcharias) à Hawaï, où les eaux sont trop chaudes à leur goût.

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