En images: masques et costumes hauts en couleur pour la fête des fantômes en Thaïlande

Le visage couvert de masques au long nez, des centaines de Thaïlandais en costumes colorés ont défilé et dansé samedi aux sons de clochettes lors du festival de Phi Ta Khon, qui se tient chaque année dans le nord-est du royaume.
Le visage couvert de masques au long nez, des centaines de Thaïlandais en costumes colorés ont défilé et dansé samedi aux sons de clochettes lors du festival de Phi Ta Khon, qui se tient chaque année dans le nord-est du royaume.
Le « festival des fantômes », pendant thaïlandais de la fête des morts au Mexique, a lieu dans le district de Dan Sai de la province de Loei et puise ses racines dans les traditions bouddhistes. Des milliers de personnes y ont assisté cette année.
Des hommes couverts de boue – symbole de fertilité et des rizières du pays – ont également pris part à la procession le long d’une route étroite d’un kilomètre, bondée.
Les masques de fantômes, fabriqués à partir d’écorces de noix de coco, avaient à l’origine des motifs simples et étaient d’une couleur argile sobre, explique l’artiste Pisit Tabtong, 59 ans.
Mais depuis que le festival est très prisé des touristes, les masques au long nez peints à la main ont des couleurs beaucoup plus vives.
« Il faut une à deux semaines pour réaliser un masque simple tandis qu’un masque plus élaboré peut prendre des mois », explique-t-il à l’AFP.
Pour les habitants de la région, garder leurs masques après le festival porte malheur.
« Après la cérémonie, nous les apporterons au (temple bouddhiste) de Wat Pone Chai. Ensuite, nous ferons flotter les masques sur la rivière, car nous pensons que cela permet de se débarrasser symboliquement de la mauvaise énergie et de toute négativité », poursuit le quinquagénaire.
Les touristes venus assister à ce festival annuel ne cachent pas leur enthousiasme.
« C’est fantastique, c’est absolument unique. Je n’ai jamais rien vu de tel auparavant », a déclaré Colleen Duplock, retraitée australienne de 69 ans.
Sonjai Vomgpartamajaroen, 54 ans, comptable à Bangkok, y participe pour la deuxième année consécutive.
Elaborate long-nosed ghost masks are seen on the ground ahead of a parade during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
A girl (R) hugs a participant wearing a ghost mask and colorful costume during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
This photo taken on June 23, 2023 shows festival-goers wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes while dancing at night during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
A participant wearing a ghost mask and colorful costume takes part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
A participant wearing a ghost mask and colorful costume takes part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
A participant wearing a ghost mask and colorful costume takes part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
A participant wearing a ghost mask and colorful costume takes part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
This photo taken on June 23, 2023 shows festival-goers attending the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Elaborate long-nosed ghost masks are seen on the ground ahead of a parade during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in a parade during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in a parade during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in a parade during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in parade during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
A participant holding a ghost mask prepares to take part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
This photo taken on June 23, 2023 shows festival-goers wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes while dancing at night during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in parade during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Elaborate long-nosed ghost masks are seen on the ground ahead of a parade during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
A girl (R) hugs a participant wearing a ghost mask and colorful costume during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
This photo taken on June 23, 2023 shows festival-goers wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes while dancing at night during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
A participant wearing a ghost mask and colorful costume takes part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
A participant wearing a ghost mask and colorful costume takes part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
A participant wearing a ghost mask and colorful costume takes part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
A participant wearing a ghost mask and colorful costume takes part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
This photo taken on June 23, 2023 shows festival-goers attending the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Elaborate long-nosed ghost masks are seen on the ground ahead of a parade during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in a parade during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in a parade during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in a parade during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in parade during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
A participant holding a ghost mask prepares to take part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
This photo taken on June 23, 2023 shows festival-goers wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes while dancing at night during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
Participants wearing ghost masks and colorful costumes take part in parade during the annual Phi Ta Khon carnival or ghost festival in Dan Sai district in northeastern Thailands Loei Province on June 24, 2023. (Photo by MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP)
« A Bangkok, il n’y a que de hauts immeubles, des gens (bien) habillés, beaucoup de choses chics, mais aucun lien… Ici, on voit les gens du coin, ils aiment se réunir et s’amuser », explique-t-elle à l’AFP.
« Je pense que je continuerai à venir chaque année », dit-elle. « Dans la nuit, des fêtards vêtus de masques de fantômes et de costumes envoûtants ont dansé jusqu’au bout de la nuit sur des airs techno lors d’une fête de rue ».