Un vertigineux pont en verre entre deux montagnes au Vietnam

Bien regarder devant soi ! Le Vietnam a inauguré vendredi une longue passerelle en verre qui donne la sensation de marcher dans le vide à quelque 150 mètres au-dessus d’une jungle luxuriante.
L’attraction touristique baptisée Bach Long, « dragon blanc » en vietnamien, située dans la province de Son La (nord-ouest), serpente le long de la paroi d’une montagne avant de se terminer en un pont suspendu qui enjambe une vallée spectaculaire, pour une longueur totale de 632 mètres.
« Regarder vers le bas est un peu impressionnant au début, mais il faut avancer avec confiance, et alors c’est génial », a confié à l’AFP Nguyen Thi Trang, un visiteur.
La base du pont est faite de verre trempé de fabrication française et il peut supporter jusqu’à 450 personnes à la fois, tout en offrant une vue vertigineuse sur la végétation en contrebas.
« En se tenant sur le pont, les voyageurs pourront admirer la beauté de la nature », a déclaré Hoang Manh Duy, un représentant de l’exploitant du pont.
Les exploitants affirment qu’il s’agit de la structure à fond de verre la plus longue au monde, battant les 526 mètres du pont suspendu de Guangdong, en Chine.
Des représentants du Guinness diront le mois prochain s’ils authentifient le record.
Les autorités vietnamiennes cherchent à ré-attirer les visiteurs dans le pays après deux années de fermeture due au Covid-19, qui ont empêché pratiquement tous les voyageurs étrangers de se rendre au Vietnam.
À la mi-mars, le pays communiste a mis fin à la quarantaine pour les visiteurs internationaux et réintroduit les exemptions de visa pour les touristes de 13 pays, dont la France.
Le Vietnam s’apprête à accueillir les jeux d’Asie du Sud-Est dans deux semaines, avec plus de dix mille athlètes et accompagnateurs attendus.
Bach Long est le troisième pont en verre du Vietnam.
« J’espère que ce pont attirera davantage de touristes nationaux et internationaux dans notre région », a déclaré Bui Van Thach, un habitant de la région, après l’avoir traversé.
This aerial photo shows the newly constructed Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors pose for photos on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
A couple pose for photos on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
This aerial photo shows the newly constructed Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors stand on the walkway section of the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
This photo taken on April 28, 2022 shows a worker walking on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
This photo taken on April 28, 2022 shows visitors posing for photos on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
A young visitor makes his way across the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors stand on the walkway section of the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors walk on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors take photos on the walkway section of the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
This photo taken on April 28, 2022 shows security guards walking on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors pose for photos on the walkway section of the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors pose for photos on the walkway section of the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
This photo taken on April 28, 2022 shows a staff member walking on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors walk on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
A visitor poses for photos on the walkway section of the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
This aerial photo shows the newly constructed Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
This aerial photo shows the newly constructed Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
This aerial photo shows the newly constructed Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors pose for photos on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
A couple pose for photos on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
This aerial photo shows the newly constructed Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors stand on the walkway section of the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
This photo taken on April 28, 2022 shows a worker walking on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
This photo taken on April 28, 2022 shows visitors posing for photos on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
A young visitor makes his way across the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors stand on the walkway section of the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors walk on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors take photos on the walkway section of the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
This photo taken on April 28, 2022 shows security guards walking on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors pose for photos on the walkway section of the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors pose for photos on the walkway section of the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
This photo taken on April 28, 2022 shows a staff member walking on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
Visitors walk on the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
A visitor poses for photos on the walkway section of the Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
This aerial photo shows the newly constructed Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
This aerial photo shows the newly constructed Bach Long glass bridge in Moc Chau district in Vietnam’s Son La province on April 29, 2022. – Vietnam launched a new attraction for tourists — with a head for heights — on April 29 with the opening of a glass-bottomed bridge suspended some 150 metres above a lush, jungle-clad gorge. (Photo by Nhac NGUYEN / AFP)
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