Répérez les oiseaux des villes

Antonin Yuji Maeno a plus d’une corde à son arc : en plus d’être architecte, le cofondateur du studio Cutwork est expert en observation d’oiseaux.
C’est pourquoi il a réalisé un guide d’introduction à l’ornithologie urbaine recensant 55 spécimens que l’on peut observer depuis sa fenêtre, » comme une invitation à rouvrir nos sens durant ce confinement « .
A travers le document – téléchargeable gratuitement -, il désire, certes, transmettre sa passion mais également alerter sur le manque d’attention porté par les citadins aux autres êtres vivants. Ainsi, » la ville doit redevenir un environnement propice à l’éclosion et à la prolifération naturelle de la vie « , peut-on lire dans l’introduction.
1.0What a ride — so much has happened since our last Instagram post in July. And now, the world is a completely different place.
We will be posting our thoughts on how ‘Together Has Changed’ yet again in these times — and the emerging opportunities we see for cities and urbanization in a post-corona world.
But first, we want to share 5 big highlight posts to reboot the Instagram!
Highlight – 1 of 5
If you know our co-founder and lead architect Antonin, then you know he loves watching birds. He’s just released Window Birds, an invitation to re-open our senses in city habitats and his personal response to our on-going confinement.
It’s an introduction guide to bird watching in Paris – 55 different birds one can see just looking from a window.
For Anto, being an architect and observing birds is part of the same pleasure: looking at the world – opening the senses to the immediate environment and the greater territories shared between beings. The city must once again become an environment conducive to blossoming and the natural proliferation of life.
The guide is now available and free for download in our website – direct link in the bio. (English version coming soon!) 🕊
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