En images: Astana, capitale kazakhe à l’architecture extravagante

Palais présidentiel de Noursoultan Nazarbaïev
Memorial militaire
Immeubles modernes
Les quais
La mosquée Hazret Sultan au lever du jour
View of the square, near the palace of independence, where many tourists and Hazrat Sultan Mosque
La mosquée de Nur-Astana, deuxième plus grande mosquée du Kazakhstan
Mosquée de Nur Astana
ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN – MAY 10, 2014: Fountain Horseshoe and Wheel in Square of love. Astana is the capital city of Kazakhstan on 10 December 1997. Population of 835153
Church in Astana. Kazakhstan. Central Asia.
Orthodox chapel and its reflection in the river.
Astana, Kazakhstan. Business part of town.
triumphal arch and the central part of the city in Astana, Kazakhstan.
Urban landscape in Astana. see Palace of Peace and Harmony
photo naked tree against a background of building the Turkish Embassy in Kazakhstan
This sidewalk sculpture shows a dromidary (two hump) camel carrying the central top piece of a traditional Kazakh yurt.
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