Le Burundi se rêve en nouveau Dubaï

Le Burundi est classé comme le pays le plus pauvre du monde en termes de PIB par habitant, selon le Banque mondiale. Mais ici aussi, comme dans d’autres pays, les jeunes, qui constituent la majorité de la population burundaise, sont de plus en plus connectés. Lancée en 2021, l’initiative VisitBurundi rassemble une dizaine de bénévoles qui organisent des voyages pour de larges groupes de visiteurs, contribuent à embellir les destinations touristiques et surtout font rayonner les charmes du Burundi dans le monde.
Burundi: à priori, ce nom n’évoque pas d’emblée des forêts centenaires abritant d’insaisissables chimpanzés, ni des plages de sable blond bordées de palmiers s’étirant le long d’un des plus grands lacs du monde. Plutôt la pauvreté, la guerre civile des années 1990 et, plus récemment, la crise politique qui a secoué ce petit pays enclavé au coeur de l’Afrique des Grands Lacs. Autant d’idées que l’initiative VisitBurundi veut dépasser.
« Nous avons décidé de montrer la beauté de notre pays, de montrer la culture, pour enfin changer l’image de notre pays, différente de celle qu’il a à l’étranger », explique Bruce Niyonzima, 27 ans, à Bujumbura, la capitale économique.
« On veut que les Burundais et les étrangers viennent visiter notre pays car c’est un bon pays qui a beaucoup de choses à montrer », poursuit-il en accueillant l’AFP au Musée vivant, un lieu désuet mais non sans charme, à mi-chemin entre refuge d’animaux – un léopard solitaire y côtoie crocodiles et dindons – et marché d’artisanat.
Lancée en 2021, l’initiative est portée par une douzaine de jeunes qui donnent de leur temps pour monter des voyages organisés réunissant quelques centaines de personnes, aider à moderniser les sites touristiques et, surtout, communiquer. Leur stratégie se résume en trois mots: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook.
« La stratégie de communication qu’on utilise repose sur les réseaux sociaux parce qu’on a compris que maintenant beaucoup de gens » y ont recours, souligne Darlène Nahayo, 28 ans, responsable événementiel et relations publiques. « Notre cible, c’est en grande partie les jeunes », ajoute celle qui est aussi co-animatrice d’une chaîne Youtube dédiée aux femmes.
A leopard holds a guinea pig in its mouth at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Sheltered juvenile chimpanzees stick out their hands to receive water bottles from Nestor Manirakiza at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
An aerial view of the tea plantation next to the Kibira National Park, northwestern Burundi, on March 13, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Celine Clery / AFP)
A guinea pig sits on a crocodile before being eaten at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Fishermen leave to fish at Lake Tanganyika in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 16, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
An old tree is seen at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
A general view of one of old trees in the Kibira National Park, northwestern Burundi, on March 13, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
An general view of the small town of Kigereka next to the Kibira National Park, northwestern Burundi, on March 13, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Vendeurs de souvenirs à l’entrée du parc national de Kibira
A general view of the forest in the Kibira National Park, northwestern Burundi, on March 13, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Wooden sculptures are displayed as souvenirs at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Fishermen leave to fish at Lake Tanganyika in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 16, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
A crocodile is seen at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Deus-Dedit Niyiburana, a tourist guide, walks under a fallen tree in the Kibira National Park, northwestern Burundi, on March 13, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Artisans make wooden sculptures as souvenirs at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
An general view of the small town of Kigereka next to the Kibira National Park, northwestern Burundi, on March 13, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
A crocodile is seen at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Fish are displayed to be sold at a market in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 16, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
A sheltered juvenile chimpanzee holds a hand of Nestor Manirakiza at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
A woman gets her hair cut near a market in Kabezi, Burundi, on March 16, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
An general view of a tea plantation next to the Kibira National Park, northwestern Burundi, on March 13, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
© Belga Images
A leopard holds a guinea pig in its mouth at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Sheltered juvenile chimpanzees stick out their hands to receive water bottles from Nestor Manirakiza at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
An aerial view of the tea plantation next to the Kibira National Park, northwestern Burundi, on March 13, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Celine Clery / AFP)
A guinea pig sits on a crocodile before being eaten at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Fishermen leave to fish at Lake Tanganyika in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 16, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
An old tree is seen at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
A general view of one of old trees in the Kibira National Park, northwestern Burundi, on March 13, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
An general view of the small town of Kigereka next to the Kibira National Park, northwestern Burundi, on March 13, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Vendeurs de souvenirs à l’entrée du parc national de Kibira
A general view of the forest in the Kibira National Park, northwestern Burundi, on March 13, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Wooden sculptures are displayed as souvenirs at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Fishermen leave to fish at Lake Tanganyika in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 16, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
A crocodile is seen at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Deus-Dedit Niyiburana, a tourist guide, walks under a fallen tree in the Kibira National Park, northwestern Burundi, on March 13, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Artisans make wooden sculptures as souvenirs at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
An general view of the small town of Kigereka next to the Kibira National Park, northwestern Burundi, on March 13, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
A crocodile is seen at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
Fish are displayed to be sold at a market in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 16, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
A sheltered juvenile chimpanzee holds a hand of Nestor Manirakiza at Musee Vivant de Bujumbura (the Living Museum of Bujumbura), in Bujumbura, Burundi, on March 14, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
A woman gets her hair cut near a market in Kabezi, Burundi, on March 16, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
An general view of a tea plantation next to the Kibira National Park, northwestern Burundi, on March 13, 2022. – Burundi is classified as the poorest nation in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank. But here too, as in other countries, young people, who make up the majority of Burundi’s population, are increasingly connected. Launched in 2021, the VisitBurundi initiative brings together around a dozen volunteers who organise trips for large groups of visitors, help to spruce up tourist destinations and, above all, broadcast Burundi’s charms to the world. The team is inspired by Dubai, where influencers thronged to beaches and bars even during the pandemic. Bujumbura is not yet Dubai, but the prospects for tourism, domestic and international, are looking up. (Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP)
© Belga Images
Le Burundi est classé par la Banque Mondiale comme le pays le plus pauvre au monde en terme de PIB par habitant, mais sa population extrêmement jeune (65% des Burundais ont moins de 25 ans, selon l’Unicef) est de plus en plus connectée, notamment dans les villes.
Comme ailleurs, influenceurs et youtubeurs y font rêver. VisitBurundi fait donc appel à eux à coups de posts et de vidéos léchées – en anglais, kirundi ou français – pour porter son message.
En tee-shirt promotionnel de rigueur, le chanteur et influenceur burundais Alvin Smith s’est ainsi prêté à l’exercice au sanctuaire des tambours sacrés de Gishora, un haut lieu touristique.
Dans cette stratégie numérique, les organisateurs disent s’être inspirés non pas du voisin rwandais – dont le « VisitRwanda » s’étale jusque sur les maillots du Paris Saint-Germain et d’Arsenal – mais de Dubaï, qui a su pendant la pandémie attirer moult influenceurs sur ses plages et dans ses bars à cocktails.
Bujumbura n’est pas encore Dubaï, mais pour VisitBurundi attirer les touristes, à la fois locaux et internationaux, est aujourd’hui plus envisageable qu’il y a seulement quelques années.
En 2015, moins de dix ans après la guerre civile (1993-2006), le pays a plongé dans une crise politique avec la candidature controversée à un troisième mandat du président Pierre Nkurunziza, faisant au moins 1.200 morts et instaurant un climat de terreur.
La situation s’est apaisée depuis l’élection en 2020 d’un nouveau président, Evariste Ndayishimiye, et les Etats-Unis et l’Union européenne ont annoncé ces derniers mois lever leurs sanctions et reprendre leurs aides.
Le gouvernement – qui n’a pas donné suite aux demandes d’interview de l’AFP – a toutefois été épinglé en septembre par une commission d’enquête de l’ONU, affirmant que la situation des droits humains restait « désastreuse » au Burundi.
« Maintenant, on a une stabilité au niveau de la sécurité et on a un président qui encourage les jeunes, qui veut qu’on développe notre pays. Je pense que c’est le bon moment », insiste M. Niyonzima. Il ajoute être en discussion avec les autorités pour formaliser un partenariat.
« Pas grand-chose »
Avec très peu de touristes, les infrastructures n’ont jamais été véritablement développées – hormis à Bujumbura, où s’égrènent hôtels et restaurants de plage le long des rives du lac Tanganyika. Les étoffer fait partie des priorités de VisitBurundi.
Aux abords de la Kibira, une forêt dense abritant 200 à 300 chimpanzés, aucun hébergement touristique n’existe encore mais un gîte de quelques chambres est en construction, avec vue imprenable sur les verdoyants champs de thé alentours. « Les gens aiment beaucoup cette forêt (…) alors c’est mieux de créer un gîte pour permettre aux gens de dormir » ici, se félicite Deus-Dédit Niyiburana, guide touristique dans ce parc national. « Il ne manque pas grand chose », veut croire ce passionné, intarissable sur chaque plante de la Kibira.
Depuis décembre, les étrangers peuvent obtenir leur visa à l’arrivée à l’aéroport, ce qui facilite grandement des démarches autrefois laborieuses. Une étape-clé du long périple dans lequel se sont engagés les jeunes de VisitBurundi.
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