Les plus belles photos de naissances 2017

25-01-2017, 13:48
Mise à jour le: 04-12-2020, 17:58
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Plus d’infos sur Birth Photographer
Morag Hastings of Apple Blossom Families Vancouver Birth Photographer and Doula supports normal unmedicated home birth. Morag Hastings photography has award winning images that portray natural unmedicated birth. Vancouver; Birth; Photography; Photographer; Doula; Home Birth; Natural Birth; Profession Photographer; Birth Photographer; Newborn Photographer; Apple Blossom Families; Morag; Hastings; Midwife; Midwives; Prenatal Classes; Unmedicated Birth; Normal Birth; Pregnancy; Postpartum
Intended mother catches her baby born via surrogacy.
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